Miguel Matos

I am an Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico of the Universidade de Lisboa and a Researcher at INESC-ID in the Distributed Systems Group.

My current research interests lie on the areas Persistent Memory, and the opportunities and challenges it brings to programmers; blockchain scalability, security and performance; systems evaluation in particular in the topics of reproducibility and automation; as well as databases performance and consistency guarantees.

Main publications and citations are indexed as Miguel Matos in Google Scholar, DBLP and ACM.

In a previous life I was involved in a few startups: I’ve co-founded MIMA Housing and Dependableware, and was an early research engineer at LeanXcale.


February 2025 Our paper HawkSet: Automatic, Application-Agnostic, and Efficient Concurrent PM Bug Detection. has been accepted at EuroSys 2025.

October 2024 Our paper Kollaps: Decentralized and Efficient Network Emulation for Large-Scale Systems has been accepted at ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking.

February 2023 Our paper Mumak: efficient and black-box bug detection for Persistent Memory has been accepted at Eurosys 2023.

January 2023 Our paper Practical Limitations of Ethereum’s Layer-2 has been accepted at IEEE Access.

For older news check here.

Recent Selected Publications

HawkSet: Automatic, Application-Agnostic, and Efficient Concurrent PM Bug Detection EuroSys 2025. João Oliveira, João Gonçalves, Miguel Matos.

Kollaps: Decentralized and Efficient Network Emulation for Large-Scale Systems IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. Sebastião Amaro, Miguel Matos Valerio Schiavoni

Mumak: efficient and black-box bug detection for Persistent Memory Eurosys 2023. João Gonçalves, Miguel Matos, Rodrigo Rodrigues.

Kauri: Scalable BFT Consensus with Pipelined Tree-Based Dissemination and Aggregation. SOSP 2021. Ray Neiheiser, Miguel Matos and Luís Rodrigues.

Kollaps: decentralized and dynamic topology emulation. EuroSys 2020. Paulo Gouveia, João Neves, Carlos Segarra, Luca Liechti, Shady Issa, Valerio Schiavoni, Miguel Matos.

Exploiting Symbolic Execution to Accelerate Deterministic Databases. ICDCS 2020. Shady Issa, Paolo Romano, Miguel Matos, Miguel Viegas, Pedro Raminhas, Nuno Machado

Hourglass: Leveraging Transient Resources for Time-Constrained Graph Processing in the Cloud. EuroSys 2019. Pedro Joaquim, Manuel Bravo, Luís Rodrigues and Miguel Matos.

For the full list of publications check here

Ongoing Projects

Angainor - Reproducible Evaluation and Fault Injection of Large-Scale Distributed Systems. Principal Investigator. FCT LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-031456.

ACT-PM - Automating Crash-Consistency Testing for Persistent Memory. Principal Investigator. UTA-EXPL/CA/0080/2019.

Qualichain - Decentralised Qualifications’ Verification and Management for Learner Empowerment, Education Reengineering and Public Sector Transformation EU H2020 grant agreement No 822404

For more details about projects check here.
